The Cheshire Cat



I saw you man….mocking me like a cheshire cat through the window.
Hey thanx for the food and drink…My poor straits had me assume your indulgences.
I will repay you in kind….at my hearth with family at my side…hand made nourishing viands

This gy in the depo has NEWmonia…..he blasted his bronchials every answer with wet, mucous-ridden chest heaving gusts of debilitating bombast…and getting weaker everytime…..

Cereal is here doing a double trac in room D? he wants to push the discs at the end of the depo our way for UPSn’

Sorry about the jibber jabber jabberwocky jim jam jo….No time for  criticizing the past the bible the faith the intentions of ancestral strains politico habitual controversial agon……..what it means is what it gets boiled down to…is how you apply the brush to the canvas…what the pen puts on the page….what a man is wont to say…and those who are but puttn their concave or convex skulls on their pillows each night having put some of their own blood on some surface be it page screen frame they is the ones who have the right to say whuts up!  there nothing worse than a critic who cant decide what his ISM isnt………….oh there is nothing more pathetic than reading and finding that every word read just makes you need to read more and more..there will nevr be enough time……I need to bang  a log in the jungle…for a long time…day and night till the god comes…..or till the heart replaces that log or is it a wooden leg ……..

see you at lunch………when all the depo dogs come out of their cells lips draggn and spittle splatterin on the floors….lookn for some mealy mealy…itchn’ for a melee